March 21, 2013

  • Obvious


    People will side and sympathize with the party that most represents them and what they wish to happen to themselves when the situation is so polarized.


    An old woman or man walking around in the dark by herself to the grocery store is not asking to be robbed or assaulted.

    we can argue the levels of responsibility, but the old defenseless person knows, or should know, the dangers of walking alone in the dark.

    They also shouldn't be alone by themselves.

    Actually, none of us should be alone by ourselves, we're just asking for trouble. 


    "Rape culture is when we spend all our time telling women to avoid being raped by modifying their behavior, inferring blame back onto the victim."



    also...i know that this will extend into an entirely different discussion but i guess i'd change the word "women" to just "people"

Comments (9)

  • :T Sad what our society has come to.

  • A woman... or man, shouldn't have to be afraid of walking alone. But, like you said, the woman and the man should know the dangers of walking alone.

    The trouble and discussion happens after the fact. Everything is in hindsight.

    With that said, blame should NEVER fall on the victim. It's not an oxymoron.


  • It is too bad that some women have to walk in fear.

  • it sure separates itself from other crimes. a very wicked crime indeed. but non the less, men and women are raped everyday. surely everyone has a vice and it just shows how some people cant handle their shit.

  • the first link is very enraging. i agree with @StupidSystemus - . no one should have to live in fear, but everyone should be aware of the dangers of life. we don't call it victim blaming when we tell children not to get into strange vehicles or take candy from strangers and yet if you tell a person, "that's a bad part of town, I wouldn't go drinking down there" it's a completely different story. it's also irritating that people say if you tell women they have to be careful for their safety then you are admitting that all men are rapists; and yes, people do say this, someone said it on my last blog on the subject. but that is not the case, what you are saying is that there ARE rapists(or robbers, murderers, etc.) out there, and since I don't have the ability to make them stop i would tell anyone i care about to be cautious for their safety.

    as to the "rape culture" thing. I have my own thoughts on this. I knew a guy once who said his favorite form of abuse was emotional/verbal abuse because it left no evidence to prove anything. so my thoughts on rape culture go something like this, rape culture is a lot more than just peoples attitudes toward physical sexual assault. so long as people continue to empower themselves by disempowering, degrading, humiliating and hurting other people, rape culture will never go away because that is what the rape culture is all about, it's just that the man/woman that has this done to them verbally, (or by other means that does not include a physical attack) most of the time has no legal recourse because 1) "nobody cares you need to get over it" and 2) even if they did, without physical evidence it would be very difficult to prove. so, while i agree we do have a culture of rape, I disagree with the definition given here; I think it goes a lot deeper than that.

    I think that a point a lot of us need to remember is that we live in a violent messy world and there is a difference between victim blaming and wanting people to be safe. the people in that infographic saying she asked for it are victim blaming, her parents or friends pleading with her not to go to those kinds of parties and get slop drunk because people do things like that are not.

    on a bit of a lighter note though for such a heavy post.

    "none of us should be alone by ourselves" <- this made me giggle a little. who should we be alone with?
    hope you are doing well Vic,

  • For the sake of argument only...

    "Actually, none of us should be alone by ourselves, we're just asking for trouble.

    'Rape culture is when we spend all our time telling women to avoid being raped by modifying their behavior, inferring blame back onto the victim.'"

    How about being able to defend oneself? It's the same argument I use when people say no one needs guns etc. because we have cops. Yes, ideally crimes and rape should not occur, but rather than put your safety in someone else's hands, how about taking care of yourself? Women, do what you want. It's unfair that you are targeted, but don't let yourself become a victim.

  • it's sad to have to live with the nagging fear that you can't ever be safe no matter how much or little you do to protect yourself, but of course, we can make efforts and do things to prevent the most obvious threats.

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